If I carry on my day as usual, if I don't let them smell my fear, it will not come.
If I don't believe in it, it doesn't it exist.
I can live this way for the next 20 odd hours, but somehow, at 7:35 tomorrow morning, I will be there.
And so will they.
All of you.
So the other day, I was at VONS buying water balloons and rocket launchers, and I was eyeing the shelf of candy across from the register. Mmmmmm, candy bars...breath mints...Metamucil.
Wait. What?
Yes, Metamucil has been inaugerated as an impulse buy.
This is for those flighty types who immediately eye the towering stack and think, "Aye, that reminds me, I'd really like to regulate my bowel movements," as they toss a few jars onto the conveyor belt. "Thank Jehosephat for fiber rich laxatives!"
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