Wednesday, November 05, 2003

SHOUT OUT PROMPT: Worst thing to hear after saying 'I love you".
I was just on the phone with my sister, told her I loved her and she said "Yea."
Maria prefers to say "Thank you."
What about you?
I was so happy today that I sang in the shower. Last time I was that animated in the bathing chamber I broke all the toes on my left foot. It was worth it.
I'm bundled like a yeti, I want to bathe in spaghetti, I'll take you on with a machete. Word.

My world is crashing down upon me, and the only thing I can think about is how much it all looks like a jigsaw puzzle. I am a lumberjack in the lumberyard of love. I am a cog in the magnificent machine. I am not, however, svelte.

Why can't I stop shaking. Many people have told me I quiver like a defrosting meat popsicle. Ok, not exactly in those words, but that's what they're getting at.

Bliss makes me drowsy.
Now it's time for me to go, the autumn moon lights my way.

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