Thursday, November 26, 2009

He Loves Me

Once we were young
You came into the store and asked me where the milk was
I hoped you didn’t hear or see
The quaking in my heart
The shaking in my hands
I thought I loved you

Time passed
I didn’t work at the store anymore
You asked me another question
(I said yes)
It was warm outside, but there was
A quaking in your kiss
A shaking in your touch
I knew I loved you

Years have passed
Now we are old
As you walk to warm the milk for me
I notice
A quaking in your step
A shaking in your voice
I still love you

He Loves Me Not

Didn’t I swim down by the river
With joyous abandon and your hand in mine?

Didn’t you kiss me on the side of the road
With my arms full of apples and your soul bound with mine?

Didn’t we vow on the train at the station
“This is just for a little while, you’ll always be mine”?

Why are you so far from me?
Why are you apart from me?

You’ve left me with a heart that is no longer mine.