Tuesday, September 30, 2003

I left the phone in the refrigerator today. I also dropped another college course.
I am great.

Monday, September 29, 2003

So the latest trend is wearing non prescription glasses.
Yeah, let's all feign visual impairment.
People are strange.

Sunday, September 28, 2003

As school, I was labeled "gothic" because I was wearing hot pink eyeshadow and a black hoodie.
I am a rock! I am an iiiiiisland!

I am temporarily giving up on this project.
I no longer have time to write...this is sad. I may be sporadically posting, but nish, nish to it all!

I may simply write about mundane daily activities instead of vague and wordy references to things that may or may not exist.

I shall attend Radiohead tonight (!!) thanks to the magic of modern telecommunications and my own feeble bartering skills.
The White Stripes were mind-blowing. By the way, Jack White = Michael Jackson.

Last night (this morning) at midnight I saw The Goonies at La Jolla Landmark Theatres. Word on Cinema Dr. is that they will be showing midnight films every Saturday. This is smashing, for it provides yet another opportunity to deprive myself of sleep. One more word: Bubbahotep.

Newsflash: People no longer will sleep in my bed with me because "you cuddle too much, I can't handle it." Apparently, in my sleep, I wrap my limbs around people and fully mash myself against them. Huahuahua. I am not ashamed! I shouldn't be held accountable for my actions! That is so, like, unfair.

I'm attempting to eat these flaccid potatoes I microwaved.
They are trying so hard to be french fries, I pity them.

Sunday, September 07, 2003

Please give me a topic to write about.
The fingers are willing but the mind is weak.
Sometimes, when I'm bored, I like to lick my sketchbook.
I thought I had something to say but now I realize I don't, so I just

Wednesday, September 03, 2003


Monday, September 01, 2003

"We must not always talk in the market-place of what happens to us in the forest." - Hester Prynne.

Your skin is as soft as a kittens armpit, and that is why I am in love with you.

If I sit here long enough, and pretend that everything is normal, it will not come.
If I carry on my day as usual, if I don't let them smell my fear, it will not come.
If I don't believe in it, it doesn't it exist.
I can live this way for the next 20 odd hours, but somehow, at 7:35 tomorrow morning, I will be there.
And so will they.
All of you.

So the other day, I was at VONS buying water balloons and rocket launchers, and I was eyeing the shelf of candy across from the register. Mmmmmm, candy bars...breath mints...Metamucil.
Wait. What?
Yes, Metamucil has been inaugerated as an impulse buy.

This is for those flighty types who immediately eye the towering stack and think, "Aye, that reminds me, I'd really like to regulate my bowel movements," as they toss a few jars onto the conveyor belt. "Thank Jehosephat for fiber rich laxatives!"

I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow.

I don’t want to go to school tomorrow.

I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow.

I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow.

