Friday, December 27, 2002

Goodbye Kitey.
1991 - December 25, 2002

Wednesday, December 25, 2002

My cat is dying. I'm very sad.

I'm going to go sit with him some more.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Gadzooks, I'm in agony...screw these foolish braces!
Who needs teeth anyway, they just get in the way of everything. ::takes out teeth::
Don't oo tink?
Tock to oo shoon, shonny.

Monday, December 09, 2002

9 days until The Two Towers!
Time to take out my hobbit feet and stir up some lembas.
Oh my goodness, I'm such a nerd.
100 bucks says the Ents are going to look horrible.
Stupid CGI.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooga booga booga booga. Uhhh uhh uhh! Hurh hurh gurgle snort belch ooga hu hu hu rah rah rah.
Oh least you can't complain about the lack of posts!
Me and my sister rearranged the spice cabinet and my dad went insane!
We were giggling, he was flipping out. It was grand.
Now we're lurking upstairs to rearrange their bedroom!
Okay, kidding. I value my life, after all.

Saturday, December 07, 2002

BBBIGD:: arg, i'm tired
BBBIGD:: but i got 10 hrs of sleep
Shur1yTemple:: hrmm
Shur1yTemple:: maybe you have a GNOME
BBBIGD:: where?
Shur1yTemple:: a gnome that lives inside your body
BBBIGD:: i have a garden gnome
Shur1yTemple:: and eats all your sleep
BBBIGD:: what can i do?
BBBIGD:: hahaha
BBBIGD:: damn gnomes!
Shur1yTemple:: with a bottle of stomach acid and a side of kidney
BBBIGD:: ewwww
Shur1yTemple:: well, you can either eat some gnomacide
BBBIGD:: or....
Shur1yTemple:: or...
BBBIGD:: wait to poop it out
Shur1yTemple:: yes.
BBBIGD:: i dunno if i could pass a gnome
BBBIGD:: it would be sorta hard
BBBIGD:: esp. if he kept his hat on
BBBIGD: arg..... the santa clause 2 isnt showing at amc 12
BBBIGD: bah!
BBBIGD: that would be the kind of movie id go see right now
BBBIGD: dont really have to think
BBBIGD: can just enjoy it
BBBIGD: yet does challenge the mind
BBBIGD: sorta like lifting w/ really light weights

I'm still pondering how The Santa Clause 2 challenges the mind...

Shur1yTemple: kekekekekekeke!
BBBIGD: kekekekeke??!?
Shur1yTemple: yes!
Shur1yTemple: african tribal laughter
Shur1yTemple: kekekekekke!
BBBIGD: karikiki!
Shur1yTemple: no
Shur1yTemple: no
Shur1yTemple: what is that????
Shur1yTemple: NO!
BBBIGD: its a bird sound.... one of sheer pleasure
Shur1yTemple: oh my...

Friday, December 06, 2002

I think these antibiotics are getting to me...Somehow today we got on the subject of this woman, a woman you may know as Aretha Franklin.

::Tara and Chelsea ponder a movie::
Tara: Hahahah! That is so funny!
Chelsea: Who does she sound like!?
Tara: Ooh, oh, that singer!
Chelsea: Urethra Franklin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tara: ::collapses in a heap of laughter::
Chelsea: ...What.
Tara: I don't think it's Urethra. HAHAHAHHAHAHA.
Chelsea: ...What? Ureth----AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHA. ::flops about like a dying fish::

I love Pilates!
Of was a little strange when my parents found me convulsing on the floor chanting and such...
Blizzzair: yes but i'm reading ur journal deal. I was doing this research thing but now i'm wrapped up in ur wacky words of wisdom.

Aww thanks Blair, I'm flattered!....I think.

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Kerouwhacked: XXXXX and his girlfriend could be enzymes in the tight fit model, and you would be the ultra-hot temperature that makes them lose their three dimensional structure!
Shur1yTemple: Haaaaaaaaaaahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahha.
Shur1yTemple: HAHAHAHAHA.
Shur1yTemple: HAHAH.
I don't know why, but astronauts really turn me off.
a sad tuesday: both my parents have chicken legs
Eating Sparkling Jello is like a many colored, envigorating explosion in your mouth!
Highly recommended.
This is my last post about Jello, I swear.
I'm drowning in immory.
Or am I?
Do I care?
Do you care?
With horror..I looked at the sparkling mineral water.
It's "Mixed Berry" flavored.
Could that be the source of the rotting meat smell?
We'll see.
Three more hours.
I've become a Jello wench.
Oh, Chelsea #2, you're such a riot.
Shur1yTemple: When you fall off a horse, you have to...
PinkSocks14: kick them in the crotch
After the extraordinary disaster that happened when I attacked the Sparkling White Grape Jello - I still haven't learned my lesson. A batch of Sparkling Mandarin Orange Jello is in the fridge. It's 6:43. Please remind me in four hours.

You know what they say..."If you fall off the horse, shoot it in the head and buy another one."

On the other hand, you have different fingers.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Seven out of ten people suffer from hemorrhoids. Does this mean that the other three enjoy it?
- Sal Davino
Care To Donate A Femur, Sir?

a girl named Eva: you should wear baggy mens clothes
Shur1yTemple: or i could lop off my breasts
Shur1yTemple: and give them to the needy
a girl named Eva: to eat

Oh my Eva...I was thinking more along the lines of charity body part donation...but sure. To eat. Of course. They're hungry.

I hate it when people put other people down in their journals. I mean, code words, name omissions, etc. They're all fine and dandy...but sometimes they go too far. How can some people love being so cruel? To write about someone, about a situation - a situation that is potentially embarassing or just personal - in an online journal is just mean-spirited, and pointless. Especially if that person reads the entry.


New band name: The Hedonistic Bums
What Type Of Retro Gal Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
This is hilarious. I love Grover! Poor guy's on ecstacy...well, what do you expect? They have him running around in tights yodeling "Super Grover!!!"

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Grover on Ecstasy You're funny, you're loveable, you're entertaining, you like to call yourself "Super Grover!"--You're obviously on ecstasy. But that's why we love you. Be careful, ok?

What's your brand of sexy?

brought to you by Quizilla
I had to come back to inform the world.

What box do you get put in?

brought to you by Quizilla

My dad says I spend too much time on the computer.
Probably no more posts today, then.

what time?
what is time?
time is money.
money is time?
if all redhead are blondes and all blondes are redheads, will i live to see you again?