Tuesday, August 05, 2003

In other news, Chelsea went bicycle riding and split her pants open. She simply swung on the freaking swing at the park, pondered the deep things of life, and felt her warm right cheek blossom forth from the fabric, greeting the frigid air. Captain "Commando" Sexton endured the Ride of Shame back to her home, passing many a gaping onlooker and giggling elderly ladies. She got home and photographed the unattractive sight (donning modest bathing suit bottoms to keep things PG), when they split even more. Exasperated, Chelsea ripped both sides down the back and made her own jean-cordouroy chaps. Pictures of the new pants coming soon. Notice: In the last picture, take note of the Chelsea's bed. That's after one night of sleep. Wildcat, isn't she?

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