Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Growing Up

If my calculations are correct, I was 14 when I started this blog. That makes me 21 today, for you mathletes out there. That makes me feel a little bit better about some of the laughable things that I've skimmed from my past. I wish I had written more? But at the same time, it's probably better to leave things as they are. Maybe I should have written less! I've deleted legions of my written material off the internet and my computer before. It's all too embarrassing, too incriminating, too darn silly. But something draws me back here. Maybe I just want to see my 10 year anniversary with this little hole of cyberspace - my little hole of cyberspace. And how can I forget? I love writing. Do you hear that, Chelsea?
Don't forget.

I've busted out my Essay Writing Chair, the one I steal from my sister when I absolutely must get to business. It's that time, folks. I absolutely must get to business.

Oi Lienda
Bella che fa?
Bonita, bonita que tal?
But belle
Je ne comprends
pas français
So you'll have to
speak to me
Some other way